Registration Form FAQs
The registration link is not working.
If you have trouble accessing the registration form, it may be due to your internet filter. Please check the settings or try from a different computer or network.
I cannot proceed to the next page.
Each page has a number of required fields marked with a red asterisk. If you cannot proceed to the next page it is usually due to a missing answer. Please scroll back up and make sure all of the fields are filled in.
My son was accepted into camp, and when I tried to register there was no option for my son's grade for the session he applied for.
If there is no option for your son's grade/session, registration has most likely closed for the desired slot. You may double check with the office to make sure. Please note that when you get your acceptance letter, there is still room for your son, but we will not reserve your space until you have registered. If we only have a few slots left and you wait an hour to register, you may miss out. Register as soon as you get your letter for the best chance of getting in.